When to water indoor plants?

Have you ever wondered how your plants communicate their need for water?

They might not speak, but they do have ways of sending out distress signals. Knowing these signs is key to keeping your indoor jungle thriving.


1. Wilting Leaves: Perhaps the most obvious sign is when your plant's leaves start to droop or wilt. This is your plant's way of conserving moisture by reducing the surface area exposed to the sun. When you see this, it's definitely time to water.

If they're willing you can bring them back! A great way to help them out is by removing any dead or crusty leaves from their foulage to help preserve their energy. 


2. Dry Top Soil: A quick touch of the top layer of soil can tell you a lot. If it feels dry to the touch, it's time to water. However, if it's still slightly moist, hold off for a bit.

 Dying plant


3. Yellowing or Browning Leaves: When the lower leaves of your plant turn yellow or brown and start to drop off, it's often a sign of underwatering. This is your plant's way of shedding older leaves to conserve water for newer growth.

Please note: Check to see if your leaves are hard and crunchy, or soft and soggy. If they're crunchy then they need more water. If they're soft the plant has been overwatered!


4. Slow Growth: If your plant seems to have hit a growth plateau, it might be due to insufficient water. Adequate hydration is crucial for growth, so consider increasing your watering frequency if you notice this sign.


5. Curling Leaves: Some plants, like the Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura), have leaves that curl up when they need water. If you see curling leaves, it's time to give your plant a good drink. 

Let them sit in a bowl of water for a while too to ensure they retain what they need. 


6. Dull or Dusty Leaves: Healthy plant leaves are often glossy and vibrant. If they appear dull or covered in dust, it could be a sign of dehydration. Wipe the leaves gently to remove dust and consider adjusting your watering routine.


7. Soil Gap: As soil dries, it can pull away from the edges of the pot. If you notice a gap between the soil and the pot's edge, it's a clear indicator that your plant needs a drink.


8. Reduced Flowering: If your flowering plants suddenly stop producing blooms, it could be due to inadequate moisture. Providing a consistent watering schedule can often encourage them to blossom again.


Remember that different plants may exhibit these signs differently, so getting to know your individual plants is essential.


As you gain experience, you'll become fluent in the language of your plants and be able to respond to their needs with precision.


 Happy watering!